TAALAH is a manufacturing company dedicated to convert waste plastic materials into commercially valuable products, utilizing environmentally friendly recycling and manufacturing methods. We intend to generate a significant return for our investors, clients, and stakeholders as well
TAALAH will be established as new company based in JED. It is important to focus on recycling industry in Saudi Arabia, recent studies showed that Saudi Arabia losing annually around SR 40 billion for its lack of garbage recycling projects while other countries in the world are making huge profit from such projects. Saudi government pays attention to build partnership with the private sector to reinforcement recycling industry not only in plastic, also for food and all kind of wasted materials
See https://www.vision2030.gov.sa/v2030/a-sustainable-saudi-vision/
Our company initially will be focusing on the local market for the first stage, in order to fill in the gap in the market and gradually start to export after getting strong structure, and knowhow about international market.
The founders are from the senior management group. The balance of the employees will be hired and trained during the equipment purchase and installation phase (first five months after funding).
Enable innovation to create green and sustainable society
Innovation – Quality
Integrity – Social Impact
Taalah is a manufacturing compnay dedicated to convert waste plastic materials into commercially valuble products, utilizing envirnmentally friendly recycling and manufacturing methods.
Recent studies showed that Saudi Arabia losing annually around SR 40 billion for its lack of garbage recycling projects while other countries in the world are making huge profit from such projects.
We will focus primarily on untapping opportunities in recycling field by manufacturing new products with highest quality, standards and lowest cost.
Through our search of recycling industry in Saudi we found very few companies trying to meet the demand, there is still huge need of wasted plastic recycled products in the market.
TAALAH will utilize one process in the same facility to collect “next stage manufacturing” cleaned and recycled plastic HDPE, and flakes, recovered from post-consumer beverage bottles and manufacturing waste produced by its sheet customers to manufacturing:
- Garbage bins (240L).
- 120 ML recycled reusable cups.
In order to lower the operation cost, we will build our future strategy in the second phase based on collecting plastics throughout our partnership with “Naqaa” and other companies in order to have a new plant for proccessing plastic and manufactring flakes which will be ultimatliy converted to new products.
Business Model
Converting raw materials from recycled plastic to unique products and create distribution channles to serve privite secotor, governement, or even dirctly to cunsumers.
The Business will be built up in two Phases:
- Phase 1- 2023: Manufacturing Garbage Containers for Business & Home uses.
- Phase 2- 2027: Building up a plastic recycling planet.